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Brasil / 110min / 16:9 / Dobly 5.1 / 2019 / 4k
Directed by Camila Freitas
Screenplay by Camila Freitas, Marina Meliande
Executive Producers Douglas Duarte, Leonardo Feliciano
Produced by Leonardo Feliciano, Camila Machado, Francisco Craesmeyer
Cinematography by Camila Freitas, Cris Lyra, Ana Carolina Matias
Edited by Fred Benevides, Marina Meliande
Sound by Camila Machado, Olívia Hernández
Music by Celio Barros, Michelle Agnes Magalhães
Since 2015, the Landless Workers Movement has been occupying an indebted sugarcane factory’s land to press for its redistribution through land reform. Grandma, P.C. and their encamped fellows struggle to conquer a small share of land where they can settle down and live a self-sustainable life, growing agro-ecological crops in a newly knit peasant community they draw in their dreams.
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